Thursday, September 13, 2007

Strawberry Jam

You might think that those are some sad looking strawberries, but in fact they are very happy strawberries that have been cooked into a jam. You might say that it does not look very much like jam. True. It was my second attempt at making strawberry jam according to my grandmother's recipe. Since the first attempt a month or two ago was mostly a failure, I only made a small batch of the above substance on my second attempt. The results are not yet perfect but very promising this time around.

The real jam making efforts went into making a more traditional strawberry jam for my bake sale. I followed the recipe in the Better Homes and Gardens book, and it turned out quite well. Having acquired 3 boxes of strawberries at Haymarket at a bargain price, I made 3 batches of jam. Jam was so plentiful that weekend (this was a couple weeks ago) that it filled all 24 8-oz jars I had bought for the occasion, and overflowed into some of my tupperware.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture. It should have title: Kissed by strawberries