
Friday, March 28, 2008

MBTA Has Fired Mr. Bob Stoetzel

Today I was made aware that earlier this month MBTA has fired Mr. Bob Stoetzel from his post of Commuter Rail director for failure to take action against a non-customer-facing employee who wore a noose around his neck as part of his Halloween costume in 2006. More details can be found in this article from

The news are sad indeed. I have met Mr. Stoetzel personally and felt that he is very experienced and hard-working. He showed genuine interest in improving commuter rail service, admitting its current problems.

TrainRider, a fellow Framingham/Worcester line rider and blogger, posted a very interesting goodbye letter from Mr. Stoetzel.

1 comment:

  1. wow, looks like the media is dictating every move from the big bosses, maybe he fired him because he has a couple of skeletons in his closet? !
