
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Same and Nat

Day of birth
To name this blog post I am "borrowing" a chapter title "Те же и Сенечка" from Alexandra Brushtein's autobiography, where she describes the birth of her younger brother.  Except that I am using the title to refer to the birth of my baby.
1 day old
Nat is only a week old now, but I am already very proud of him:
  • He never showed any sign of distress during the horrendously long labor--his heart beat was monitored almost the entire time.  If his heart rate ever did anything unexpected (like drop), I would be whisked away into an operating room for a C-section in minutes, and I am very grateful that it did not happen. 
  • He managed not to lose weight between being discharged from the hospital and his first pediatrician visit.
  • He managed to gain over 5 ounces by his second pediatrician visit only two days later.  (Apparently what the doctors want to see is that a baby like Nat is gaining at least an ounce a day...)
  • And of course Nick and I find him terribly cute.
(I could have lived without his holding his arm up to his head during birth, but of course, no one is perfect.)

1 week old
Overall, it has been a very emotional week, as we all continue to adjust our new lives as a family.  

I think Colin Meloy said it really well:
"... it was only me and you
that made this three come out of two
My darling, what wonder have we wrought here? ...
It's weird, but mostly wonderful, dear "


  1. Oh my, I hadn't heard about him having his arm above his head during birth! You are an amazing trooper, Helen. I am SOOOOO impressed that you were able to make it through 60 hours of labor!
