Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another Brioche Attempt--Without Water

After Shaping I was watching Diary of a Foodie on PBS, and the brioche recipe they used intrigued me. The recipe does not use any water or milk. So the liquid in the dough comes entirely from eggs! Yes, that is a lot of eggs.

I used the ingredients exactly as listed in the recipe. Mixing the dough was fun, though I think I smacked it against the mixing bowl a bit too hard, because I am now sporting a few bruises on my wrists.

After the 2nd risingBeyond mixing, the directions lacked a few details. I refrigerated the dough before trying to shape it--otherwise it was too sticky. I believe this is normal for any dough significantly enriched with butter (half a pound in this case!) . Can anyone find oven temperature in this recipe? I used 375F, but it probably should have been 350F.

Waterless BriocheI had a little bit of trouble rolling out pieces of the braid—I have been trying to use the counter to avoid having to clean my enormous wooden board. Laziness prevails of course. While the counter is great for working the dough, it is too slippery for rolling—cannot beat wet wood. I also wonder if I did not let the dough rise enough.

My brioche came out a bit on the stiff side and definitely eggy in taste. I might have to go back to water after all. But this was fun.

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